Anyeong XD, karena blog gw kurang banget yang namanya profile, makanya gw mau sedikit demi sedikit mengisi profile di blog ini. Oh iya belum lama ini, ada boys group baru lho, namanya Beat Win. Beat WIn debut dengan lagu She's My Girl yang menurut gw cukup bagus.

Beat Win terdiri dari Sunhyuk, Sangyu, Jungha, Youngjo, Yoonhoo & Sungho, Kenalan dulu yuk sama mereka chingu ^o^

Nick : Sung Hyuk
Position : Leader, Vocal
Birthday : September 10, 1990
Height : 183 cm
Weight : 61 kg
Blood type : A

Nick : Sang Gyu
Position : Vocal
Birthday : September 11, 1988
Height : 177 cm
Weight : 65 kg
Blood type : A

Nick : Jung Ha
Position : Vocal 
Birthday : Januari 29, 1993
Height : 178 cm
Weight : 63 kg
Blood type : A

Nick : Young Jo
Position : Vocal
Birthday : Agustus 31, 1991
Height : 178 cm
Weight : 63 kg
Blood type : AB

Nick : Yoon Hoo
Position : Vocal
Birthday : Maret 27, 1995
Height : 185 cm
Weight : 70 kg
Blood type : O

Nick : Sung Ho
Position : Maknae , Vocal
Birthday : Januari 16, 1996
Height : 172 cm
Weight : 57 kg
Blood type : - ( dunno xD )


Ya allah, mimpi apa semalem coba.. rilis album kan tanggal 3 februari, eh hari ini malah dikasih teaser bejibun sama TS. Bener-bener ga mainstream nih company ternyata. Jangan-jangan besok tiba tiba udah keluar MV nya =_=. Dan disini, demi tuhan.. mereka cakepnya ga karuan, ampe histeris sendiri gw liatnya. Padahal hgw lagi sakit :( makanya baru buka laptop jam segini. Tapi rasanya hati seneng banget liat mereka bakal comeback dengan full album :'). Pastinya gw pesen albumnya dari jauh-jauh hari hehehe.
Nah ini dia teaser-teaser yang langsung bejibun ini: Tahan napasmu guys !

can breath?

MV Review : Ailee - Singing Got Better

Cyeah, Ailee unnie comeback~ comeback dengan lagu Singing Got Better yang di MVnya ada calon suami gw, Lee Joon ( bwahahahaha ) Setelah mencetak single-single Hits seperti Heaven, I Will Show You, U & I , dan sekarang dia kembali  *jreng jreng jreng* Review ini penilaian gw secara fair dan jujur. Jadi sekali lagi kalau lo nge fans sama dia, jangan terlalu diambil hati amat karena gw gak ngebiasin Ailee hehehe. Oh yah, soal yang nude photo itu, gw sih gak terlalu ambil pusing atau jadi haters dia. Itu kan masa lalunya, dan sekarang dia sudah jadi Ailee yang lebih baik dari yang dulu, jadi ngapain diambil pusing? /sok bijak/

Bahas Stylenya Ailee, semakin hari tentunya unnie ini semakin cantik saja, semakin membuat para fanboynya klepek-klepek tentunya. Sebenernya stylenya Ailee gak berubah terlalu banyak sih, lebih nampilin style yang mature dan natural. Makanya gw agak gak demen pas dia pake make up tebel di lagu U & I, secara dia mah cocoknya pake make up yang natural.
Di lagu Singing Got Better ini, make upnya lebih natural dan gw cukup suka dengan gaya-gaya casualnya. Bajunya juga gak meng-ekspos bodynya. Terbukti kalau calon kakak gw ini memang lebih ciamik kalau natural.

Hmmmmmmmmmm, sorry yah.. menurut gw lagunya boring. Pas dengerin Heaven gw jatuh cinta, U & I oke lah nadanya. Tapi Singing Got Better ini lebih ke Ballad yang agak ngebosenin, gak ada maksud buat jelekin atau apa yah, cuman gw gak dapet feelnya sama sekali. Beat lagunya mirip-mirip sama balladnya Beyonce dan entah kenapa agak boring jadinya. Heaven menurut gw Awesome, tapi Singing Got Better cuman ‘average’. Tapi tetep sih,suara Ailee gak ada duanya, powerful dan enak di dengar

MV Story
Nah jadi ceritanya Ailee & Lee Joon ini akting disini, mereka sebagai kekasih yang berlatih musik gitu. Si Jooenieini kayaknya teachernya Ailee gitu ( menurut pandangan gw lho ). Mereka seringlatihan bareng dan Ailee suka ngambek ngambek gajelas, terus Joonienya tuh gak marah dan nurutin Ailee, terus mereka cengengesan (?) haha,pokoknya hari-hari mereka sebagai kekasih itu ibarat kata indah deh. Sampai suatu hari Ailee liat Joonie ketawa ketiwi sama cewe lain, terus Ailee ngamuk-ngamuk di ruangan gitu, nangis-nangis sampe rambutnya acak-acakan, terus Joonie nya  bodo amat, kayak sedih gitu tapi gak tau mau berbuat apa. Di akhir cerita ada Ailee turun dari mobil terus jalan-jalan. Yaudah Joonie sama gw aja jadinya kan? 

Menurut gw storynya udah bagus, cuman kurang kuat di cerita, masa ketawa – tiwi sama cewe lain udah diamuk-amuk, psycho amat -_-)/ intinya sih kayaknya sekarang Aileenya udah sukses gitu, jadi penyanyi terkenal kekeke.


Hmm, kalau storynya sih suka, tapi lagunya tetep sih pada pendirian pertama gw, boring. Masih tetep cinta gila sama Heaven, tapi ya gw masih menantikan kok lagu-lagu lainnya dari mbak Ailee. Semoga makin deket ya sama abang Himchan, aku ridho kok mbak sama abangku :) Sekian and terima kasih

Contoh Study Plan Beasiswa ke Taiwan

Contoh Study Plan Beasiswa ke Taiwan - Halo sobat, setelah posting barusan tentang Contoh Autobiografi Pelamaran Beasiswa ke Taiwan, kali ini aku mau posting contoh Study Plan nya yang mana ini juga salah satu syarat umum dalam meng-apply beasiswa LN termasuk Taiwan. Kebetulan aku lulus di CYCU jurusan International Business. Kalau mau tau tentang Taiwan dan sistem pendidikannya bisa dilihat dipostinganku yang ini Tentang Taiwan dan Sistem Pendidikannya Berikut contoh study planku yg sangat sederhana dan kutuliskan dengan setulus hati ;)

S T U D Y  P L A N

            My name is Susi Susanti Tindaon, 22 years old female, graduating from Department of Economics,Accounting Education Study Program, State University of Medan, Province of North Sumatera, Indonesiawith final GPA 3.58 out of 4.00. Currently, I’m working as an Economics and Social Science tutor at Primagama Institute. For me teaching is not only a job but also it is kind of the spirit calling from my deepest heart, it was really amazing and proud of making people come to understand something that they do not understand before. That is why I love the world of education ever since I was at Primary School. Beside teaching I love economics business too, this one is the biggest part of me right now. I have been very interested in business since Elementary School, knowing how to get much money through selling product as well as knowing the characteristics of many people outside, taught me how to manage the time to get success in business and what kind of strategy which is powerful to get much better results as well as how to work together in group or team well. That time I had to be smart to analyzing the various of human characters to make them undertstand what I explained. Everything happened since that time, and yes I love to analyze the behavior of human characteristics as well as kind of social responsibility. Over time I love business much more until now, more over, my parents are traders, even not the big traders but they have always taught me how to do business well through learning the customers behavior. In undergraduate program I studied some courses which are related to that goal. Some of them are Introduction to Macro Economics, Introduction to Micro Economics, Introduction to Business, English For Business, Economic Statistics, Introduction to Management, Entrepeneurship, Business Feasibility Study, Financial Management, Business Law, Research Methodology, Management of Information System, Audit of Management, and System of Management Controlling where of each courses I got the great academic achievement. For this reason after completing my Bachelor’s degree I am planning to pursue my Master’s degree overseas to improve my knowledge and ability as well to strengthen my character, that is why I decide to learn more about business in International Business Program because this program will not only teach theoretical knowledge but more than that, there is practical knowledge based on the field in business.
            Taiwan is the country where I would like to stay. I have read much more about Taiwan and I found that Taiwan is a multination country, many foreigners, many foreign industries, and it improves greatly time by time. This condition will be an advantage for foreign student like me to learn much new knowledgesand gain many experiences.
            Studying in Taiwan will be a great chance for everyone, including me, not only because of the offered scholarship but also because of the educational system itself. After searching for the university in Taiwan, I am sure that CYCU as one of the best private universities in Taiwan will enable me to realize all of my expectations with its curriculum especially in the International Business. CYCU as the leading university in Taiwanis the great place for me to grow and improving my self. I desire to be the part of this educated community, which will trigger my potential improvement. If I get the chance to join here, I will give my best perform and finish the master degree in 2 years with the great academic achievement. I am sure I can do that. I do really hope that studying at an international university will make me understand more how to deal with many types of people and after graduating, I will have a larger scoop of working in the field.
            One important factor that makes me believe that CYCU International Business Program is a right choice is the overseas entrepreneurship internship. Beside the compulsory and optional subjects given in classes, this internship will enrich the student with practical knowledge. More over, one of the characteristics of CYCU International Business program is to make students deeply understand practical experience in enterprises by offering “case study program” which is encourage me deeply, because I like to handle and solve the case about the currently business situation. One of my favorite professor in International Business CYCU is Professor Chun-Tsung Chin who has the same interest with me. I have sent him an email requiring him to be my adviser if I am accepted in CYCU and he responded my email saying that he really excited. I am sure if I am accepted in CYCU I will publish many papers.
            After getting my Master’s degree, in the next I want to continue to persue the doctoral degree. If all of those programs completed, my deepest commitment is to go back to Indonesia, do all things I got and learned from Taiwan especially from CYCU, building a new great business with my own capability as well as try to develop the Indonesia education system. To be a great and leading entrepreneur, lecturer and researcher is the most willingness of me. I have a desire to transfer and develop the knowledge that I have gained from this program to the students in Indonesia. I want to motivate and equip them as well as share and spread the knowledge I have is the happiness of life for me. That is my biggest goal.
Finally, I am sure that I am capable to obtain good performance during my study at CYCU because it is my own expectation so that I will be able to motivate myself totally. Not only at the time of study, but also after I am graduated, I will do all my best to run business confidentlywith all of my educational background and experiences.

Sincerely yours,       

Susi Susanti Tindaon

Untuk meriquest salah seorang profesor di universitas tempat sobat mau apply berikut contoh punya ku bisa dilihat sebagai bahan referensi ;)Contoh Email ke Calon Profesor Pembimbing

Contoh Autobiografi Beasiswa ke Taiwan

Berikut contoh Autobiography ku waktu apply ke Chung Yuan Christian University, Universitas swasta No. 1 Se-empat negara. Autobiography (Autobiografi) ku ini masih sangat sederhana dan masih jauh dari sempurna, ini hanya seadanya saja namun semoga bermanfaat dan perlu diingat bahwa dalam menuliskan autobiography haruslah sejujur-jujurnya bukan hanya sekadar meniru, oke ;)

My name is Susi Susanti Tindaon. I was born in Sukarakyat, a small village in Simalungun City, North Sumatera Province , Indonesia on April 13, 1991. I was born from a very simple family. My father’s name is Jonny Tindaon and my mother's name is Rospenita Purba. Both of my parents work as small traders and the income is just enough for our daily living expenses. I have 2 brothers who have been working and one sister who is still in senior high school. I am the oldest. When I was a kid my family lived ( stayed ) at my grandmother's house because we did not have a home until I have been 10 years old exactly in 2001 our family decided to have our own place by way of renting a house that has been located not so far from my grandmother's house precisely in Kerasaan City. But at that time I had chose to stay at my grandmother's house to accompany her because my grandfather has paased away.

At the age of 6 years old, precisely in 1997, I went to school in the Public School number 096136 namely SD Negeri Sukarakyat that the distance is not too far from my house. From the earlier childhood I have been fond of studying, in elementary school, I had always got the first ranking and graduated in 2003 with the great average value. During elementary school I had ever attended the Academic Competition at district level and achieved the third ranking in 2002. After graduating from elementary school then I continued my education to one of the private schools in our District which is quite popular in Pematang Bandar, Simalungun City named Kerasaan Foundation (Yayasan Kerasaan). Since the first semester until the end of the semester I had always got the first rank and declared as the best student in my Junior High School. When I was in Junior High School I had always been active in school organizations, being a head and secretary of its organizations. I was very close to all the teachers, become the teacher's favorite student is a pride of my ownself. Not just when I was Elementary School , but also when I was in Junior High School I had ever followed the Academic Competition representing my school, but unfortunately I could only rank  4. I graduated from Junior High School in 2006 with very good average value, I even got the second ranking nationally with the highest test scores in all Junior High School in Pematang Bandar.

In 2006 I went on an excellent education in a public school namely SMA Negeri 1 Bandar Perdagangan, Simalungun City, Sumatera Island from 2006-2009. During my Senior High School I was also quite active in school, I have loved to learn especially in Social Science and Economics subjects, in my class I was one of the teacher’s favorite students. During my education at the Senior High School, I lived with my parents in Kerasaan because at this point I could be a private teacher to get extra stipend and pay my school fee. At that time, in my daily life, I had many activities, after coming back from school I studied and did my homeworks immediately, in the afternoon I tutored the Elementary School students and Junior High School students for all the subjects, while for the Junior High School students I only tutored the English subject. At night I re-learned the subjects that I had studied in the school before and studied the materials to be covered the next day. I am the type of person who is very independent. Since I was in Elementary School to Junior High School I lived with my grandmother, I learned how to appreciate life and to become independent without any parental care. Even when I was in Senior High School I have been able to be independent, earning extra money to pay my school fee and also buy the book I needed as well as manage my financial. I did it with my efforts, all the way. My parent’s earning was just enough for my family living expenses and school fees of my siblings. Although I was quite busy with many activities and feel tired but I still excited, very excited because my parents always motivated me not to give up and always give thanks to God of any circumstances. I do always remember the words that have always brought up by my parents that all was provided by God, that every single struggle and hard work would not be in vain, and since that time until right now those words still lingering in my hearts. I am proud of having parents who always support and motivate me all the way. In all circumstances, I can appreciate life and live it.

After I Graduated from Senior High School in 2009, I straightly continued my education to the university, I was very sure that I could get a good university in my country. Although both of my family and I have known that the cost of education or tuition fee at the university level is very expensive moreover the living expenses, but they still support me to continue my education. At that time I really wanted to enter the State University of Medan, one of the two public universities in North Sumatera Province ( Sumatra Island ). I chose economics education majors. After going through the stages of selection tests nationally, finally I was able to enter the university. During my lectures in Medan, Sumatera Island, I lived in a boarding house apart from my parents. My daily life was not much different from the conditions when I was at Senior Hight School, lecturing in Medan making my life more independently. I have been back to teach to earn extra money for my living expense as well as my stipend. In my class at university, I was one of the best student, I was very studious, diligent of asking professors of any material which I did not know and also very close with both professors and lecturers. I always strived to be the foremost, achieved the highest performance and being a person who has the high integrity. Both tutoring and going to campus did not break my spirit to study even feel tired, I even more spirit to keep working while studying and can appreciate life.

While in college, a few times I got the merit scholarship, I used the money to pay the tuition fee and also buying any books I needed. I am very fond of reading, yes I am an avid reader. I always try to update the information through newspaper and electronic media. I love to read journals to update the development of business and economics. During college I became a member of Students United Medan Adventist Christian religion as a student ( Adventist ) to be able to share knowledge and strengthen the faith, became an active member of Christian Student Activity Unit Faculty of Economics State University of Medan, and also still active as a member in social community in my town. I have been able to split my time between studying, working and organization. I have known how to manage everything regularly. In July 22, 2013, I had a mini thesis 's examination ( oral defense ) and get the highest score among my friends namely 92.75. I was also one of the three students who wrote the mini thesis by using English in economics faculty State University of Medan. Since then, I officially graduated from the State University of Medan by completing the 150 credit courses in four years. At this time I am waiting for my graduation ceremony which will be held on the last of October 2013.

I had ever taught Economics and ICT (Information and Technology ) subjects at one of the popular schools in Immanuel namely Kabanjahe City Education Foundation Junior and Senior High School as a training teacher in 2012 for a half year, beside that, I also had ever taught Accounting - Economics at SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Simalungun in April - July 2013. At this present time I have become a tutor both of Economics and Social Science subjects in Primagama Institute since August 2013 as well as an economics and still active private English teacher. Recently, I 'm trying to pursue my master's degree in International Business major through the scholarship program offered by Chung Yuan Christian University ( CYCU ), I do really hope to be able to get that scholarship, if I got it and finished my master's degree, I would immediately continue to get my doctorate. I do really hope that I can be accepted in CYCU because it is the university that is very good to me to continue my study, with the expectations that after I graduated I become useful personally to everyone, to my family by making them proud, to CYCU and Indonesia for sure. May God answer prayer and my request, I am optimistic that I can grab it .

Oya untuk informasi mengenai Taiwan dan alasanku memilih Taiwan tempatku melanjutkan studi sobat Shantycr7 bisa baca ini Tentang Taiwan dan Sistem Pendidikannya (Alasanku memilih Taiwan)

Dan untuk contoh study plan bisa dilihat disini Contoh Study Plan Beasiswa ke TaiwanUntuk meriquest salah seorang profesor di universitas tempat sobat mau apply berikut contoh punya ku bisa dilihat sebagai bahan referensi ;)Contoh Email ke Calon Profesor Pembimbing

Cara Membuat Bingkai Foto Lucu dari Flanel

Bingkai Imut Dari Kain Flanel
Selamat pagi. Kali ini Kukuh Craft akan berbagi tutorial kerajinan tangan yang didapat dari blog sebelah, sman1praya. Kerajinan tangan yang ini cukup mudah pembuatannya, perlu sedikit imajinasi saja untuk improvisasi. Ya, bingkai foto lucu dari flanel merupakan kerajinan tangan yang menarik, lucu, dan juga bisa buat peluang usaha bagi sobat yang emang melihat semua sisi dari sisi ekonominya, hehehe. Jaman sekarang kan banyak tuh yang suka foto foto narsis haha. Momen indah kalian harus disimpan dan terus dikenang, makanya bingkai foto ini sangat cocok untuk mereview momen terindah kita. Oke langsung aja ke alat dan bahan dan cara pembuatannya. Cekidot !

Alat dan Bahan :
  • kertas karton
  • gunting
  • kain flanel
  • benang
  • jarum
  • lem
Cara Membuat :
  • siapkan karton untuk membuat pola bingkai foto. Ukurannya sesuai dengan yang anda inginkan, sedangkan bentuknya bisa berfariasi. buatlah dua buah pola berbentuk persegi panjang. satu pola berbentuk persegi panjang penuh untuk bagian belakang bingkai foto dan satunya lagi dengan bagian tengah diberi lubang untuk penempatan foto.
  • setelah itu potong kain flanel mengikuti kedua bentuk pola tersebut. untuk setiap pola, gunting kain flanel sebanyak dua buah, jadi anda akan mendapatkan dua potongan flanel berbentuk persegi panjang penuh dan dua potong flanel berbentuk persegi panjang dengan bagian tengah yang berlubang.
  • kemudian ambil kain flanel yang berlubang dibagian tengah dan lekatkan menggunakan lem pada pola karton yang berlubang dibagian tengah, tempelkan juga pada balik karton.
  • jahit bagian pinggir pola tersebut dengan jarum tangan menggunakan tusuk feston.
  • berikutnya, gunting mika seperti pola dan rekatkan dibagian belakang karton berbentuk persegi panjang berlubang tengah yang telah dibalut kain flanel. mika ini berfungsi sebagai pengganti kaca pada bingkai.
  • tumpangkan pola persegi panjang berlunang tengah diatas pola persegi panjang penuh. jangan lupa selipkan foto diantaranya. lalu jahit bagian pinggir untuk menyatukan keduanya.
Demikian tutorial kerajinan tangan membuat bingkai foto lucu dari kain flanel. Jangan lupa like-nya ya.. Baca juga tutorial kerajinan tangan lainnya hanya di Kukuh Craft. Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mencoba !

Cara Membuat Tas Laptop dari Flanel

Tas Laptop Flanel
Selamat pagi. Lama ga posting nih. Kali ini Kukuh Craft akan berbagi tutorial kerajinan tangan yang didapat dari blog sebelah, sman1praya. Kerajinan tangan yang ini cukup mudah pembuatannya, perlu sedikit imajinasi saja untuk improvisasi. Ya, tas laptop dari flanel merupakan kerajinan tangan yang menarik, lucu, dan juga bisa buat peluang usaha bagi sobat yang emang melihat semua sisi dari sisi ekonominya, hehehe. Jaman sekarang kan banyak tuh yang punya laptop dan juga bukan kalangan orang dewasa melainkan juga anak-anak SMP bahkan SD sudah mengoperasikan laptop. Tas ini juga bisa di modifiukasi sebagai tas gadget kalian. Oke langsung aja ke alat dan bahan dan cara pembuatannya. Cekidot !
Alat dan Bahan :
  • Kain flanel
  • Busa angin ( styrofom )
  • Resleting besar
  • PC Foam
  • Karet elastis
  • Kain spunbond hitam
  • Benang dan jarum jahit ( warna sesuai selera )
Cara Membuat :
  • Potong kai flanel untu tali sebanyak dua lembar
  • Letakkan kain yang diinginkan menjadi bahan dasar tas leptop , lalu potong
  • Jahit badan tas sesuai motif yang diinginkan
  • Satukan bahan dari kain flanel yang sudah dipotong dengan spunbond , ukur 26 cm dari kedua sisi tas , buat garis , jahit dua baris bagian tengahnya saja
  • Selipkan PC Foam di seluruh bagian badan tas , lalu jahit kelilingnya
  • Potong karet elastis sebanyak 4 buah dan jahit di keempat sudut bagian dalam tas
  • Jahit tepi atas badan tas bagian belakang untuk tali tas , balik dan rapikan dengan jahitan dikedua sisi tas
  • Jahit dua tali tas laptop di bagian tengahnya . Lalu selanjutnya jahit resleting keliling
  • Terakhir , jahitlah aplikasi atau hiasan yang diinginkan pada bagian luar tas untuk mempercantik tampilan tas laptop tersebut .
Demikian tutorial kerajinan tangan membuat tas laptop dari kain flanel. Jangan lupa like-nya ya.. Baca juga tutorial kerajinan tangan lainnya hanya di Kukuh Craft. Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mencoba !

MV Review : Dalshabet - B.B.B ( Big Baby Baby )

Oke.. review lagi nih, kayaknya update-an blog gw review mulu yak.. kali ini gw mau review lagu terbaru Dalshabet, yaitu Big Baby Baby, gw gak ngerti  sama pemikiran yang buat nih lagu. Plis deh Big Baby Baby? WHAT DA HELL QAQAA? Gak ada judul lagu laen apa? Kalo Baby Baby Baby okelah masih gw terima..lah ini big baby baby (?) tolong deh..  dah lah mending review aja.. huft
terlalu banyak tindikan palsu
Hidup sexy concept, sexy concept terus ~  tapi menurut gw style mereka gak terlalu sexy kok. Maksud gw masih normal lah segitu mah, masih bisa di terima mata gw, walau teasernya rada-rada. Btw disini mereka juga tambah cantik, mungkin karena make up sama bajunya pas. Soalnya di lagu-lagu sebelumnya gak begitu, dan satu lagi, mereka makin dewasa :3.

Baju aneh gila..
Eits.. ada positif ada netgatif juga dong.. yang gw gak suka shoot per individualnya, stylenya gak banget, masa ada salah satu member yang blush onnya kayak mau ngelenong. Belum lagi ada baju pink yang weird banget. Dan gw ga suka terlalu banyak tindikan palsu di telinga mereka, risih aja lihatnya :(

Suprisely.. lagunya bagus, beat enak, catchy, enak didengar, walau akward pas di bagian Big Baby Baby.. yeah Big Baby Baby.. /ampe bego/  serius lagunya enak, ga terdengar sensual tapi lebih ke irama yang pas buat kita denger dan cepet dihapal yang pastinya.
Para personil Dalshabet juga nyanyinya lumayan bagus dan serius, gw suka ini lagu walau aneh.

Kalau Dancenya.. serius gw enjoy nonton dancenya, keren kok dan gak biasa banget. Cocok sama irama lagunya yang beatnya agak cepet. Dancenya juga gak berantakan dan bagus. Gak banyak komplain lah, gw suka deh pokoknya mah.

Kotak.. di dalam kotak.. krik krik krik.. gak ada kreatifnya sama sekali sih. bo bo boring.


Walau judul lagunya aneh, gak nyambung dan ngeselin. Tapi jujur aja gw suka style, lagu & dance mereka. Walau MV nya gak banget ( dalem kotak ) tapi yah, gw jadi suka Dalshabet nih kayaknya. Belum kepikiran ngebiasin GB sih, toh personilnya gw cuman hapal Subin sama Kaeun doang. Yah, worth it lah buat dilirik, jangan liat covernya,liat isinya dulu dong :D

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Halo sobat, rasanya 'sungguh terlalu' deh bila seorang gamer nggak kenal game yang satu ini, Grand Theft Auto atau lebih populer dengan GTA, game besutan Rockstar yang sukses masuk jajaran game terpopuler. Tapi yang paling banyak beredar adalah GTA San Andreas dan kayaknya semua gamer pernah memainkannya kan? Bila sobat ingin mencoba GTA versi yang lebih seru dan menarik coba deh Grand Theft Auto Vice City yang akan saya bagikan ini. Sobat akan mendapati banyak fitur dan karakter baru dalam game ini dibanding versi sebelumnya.
Untuk menghilangkan penasaran sobat mendingan langsung saja deh download dan mainkan sepuasnya....heheh.

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Download Resident evil 4 For Pc Full Version Free

Halo sobat semua, mungkin sobat sudah pada tahu tentang game yang satu ini. Game ini menyuguhkan ketegangan yang terus-menerus. Kita dituntut untuk selalu konsentrasi dan waspada menghadapi serangan para Zombie yang sangat kejam dan menyeramkan.

Game ini sangat menantang dan membuat penasaran, selain system Audio yang bagus, game ini menyuguhkan grafis yang begitu memanjakan mata, apalagi kalau spek kompi kita memiliki spek yang lebih tinggi dari spek yang dianjurkan oleh si pembuat game ini.

System Requirement :

System      : Pentium 4 CPU 1.8 GHz
Ram          : 512 MB
Video Memory /RAM : 128 MB
Ukuran File : 3.09 GB
O S             : Windows XP , Windows Vista , Windows 7, dan Windows 8

Nah, bagaimana tertarik untuk berpetualang menghadapi serangan para Zombie ?
Silakan langsung aja download gamenya lewat link di bawah :

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